How to Get Campfire Smell out Of Clothes

get the campfire smell out of clothes

There’s nothing quite like the smell of a campfire, but that smell can be tough to get out of clothes. And depending on the type of material or clothing, the smell might linger for a while. To get the campfire smell out of clothes, it’s important to understand how the smell gets into the fabric in the first place.

So let’s start with that.

How Does Smoke Smell Get Into Clothing?

Smoke is made up of tiny particles that can easily become trapped in the fabric. When those particles are heated, they release a scent. That’s why clothes that have been exposed to smoke often smell like they’ve been in a fire, even if they weren’t.

The same actually goes for the smoke smell in your hair. The particles can become trapped in your hair and release the scent as they’re heated by the sun.

How Long Does Fire Smoke Smell Last on Clothes?

Secondly, fire smoke can last on clothes for a long time, depending on the fabric or clothing type. Fabrics made out of natural fibers like cotton and wool are more likely to absorb smoke particles, which can make the smell last longer. Synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon are less likely to absorb smoke particles, so the smell might not last as long.

Typically, the smell of smoke will linger on clothes for a few days. But the smell can last for weeks or even months if you don’t wash the clothes right away.

How to Get the Campfire Smell Out of Clothes

So besides washing with pure, hot water, there are a few unorthodox and some traditional methods you can try to get the campfire smell out of clothes.

One method is to soak the affected clothing in a mixture of vinegar and water overnight, then wash it, as usual, the next day. The vinegar will help to break down the smoke particles and make them easier to remove.

A second method is to pre-treat the clothing with a commercial laundry pre-treatment product before washing. There are a variety of products on the market that can be effective in removing the campfire smoke smell from clothes. Just follow the directions on the package.

If you’re looking for a more natural solution, you could try soaking the clothing in a mixture of baking soda and water. Baking soda is a natural odor absorber and can help to remove the campfire smell from clothing. Just soak the affected clothing in the mixture for a few hours, then wash as usual.

Another option is to hang the clothing outside. The fresh air will help to dissipate the campfire smell. Just be sure to hang the clothing in an area that is not exposed to direct sunlight, as this can cause the colors to fade depending on the material.

Once you’ve soaked the clothing, it’s important to wash it in hot water using a strong detergent. This will help to remove any lingering smoke particles and odors. Be sure to wash the clothing separately from other items to avoid transferring the smell.

Preventing the Campfire Smell From Getting Into Clothes

The best way to avoid having to deal with the campfire smell in clothes is to prevent it from happening in the first place. If you’re going to be near a fire, be sure to wear clothing that is made from synthetic fabrics. These fabrics are less likely to absorb smoke particles and are usually preferred for hiking and camping, anyway.

You should also avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing when you’re near a fire. Smoke particles can easily become trapped in loose fabrics and be difficult to remove. Instead, wear fitted clothing that will help to keep the smoke particles from getting into the fabric.

Finally, be sure to wash your clothes as soon as possible after being exposed to fire smoke. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove the campfire smell. So, if you’ve been near a fire, take off your clothes and wash them as soon as possible.

How Do You Get Smoke Smell out Of Fabric without Washing It?

Let’s say you have no access to water. In this case, you can try using alcohol to remove the campfire smell from clothes. Rubbing alcohol, vodka, and even hairspray can be effective in removing smoke odors. Just spray the affected clothing with the alcohol and let it dry. The alcohol will help to break down the smoke particles and make them easier to remove. Be sure to wash the clothing as soon as possible after treatment.

And if you’re anything like me – chances are you’ll have access to some sort of alcohol no matter where you are. 😉 Just be careful about hiking with a hangover the next day.

Another option is to place the clothing in a sealed container with coffee grounds or activated charcoal. These materials are excellent at absorbing smells, so they can help remove the campfire smell from clothing.

Does Febreze Eliminate Smoke Odor?

What about Febreze? Does Febreze eliminate smoke odor?

Febreze can help to remove the campfire smell from clothing, but it’s not a cure-all. The campfire smell will still be there, albeit in a less potent form. So, if you’re looking for a way to completely eliminate the campfire smell, Febreze is not the answer.

But if you’re looking for a way to make the campfire smell less noticeable, Febreze can be helpful. Just spray the affected clothing with Febreze and let it dry. The Febreze will help to mask the campfire smell, making it less noticeable.


Campfire smell is great, but it’s not so great when it’s on your clothes. However, there are tried and true methods that you can use – with or without water to remove the smell. If all else fails, take your clothes to a professional cleaner. They should be able to remove the campfire smell for good.

Do you have any tips for removing the campfire smell from clothing that I forgot? Let us know in the comments below!

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